Fixed telephone services
Written by BrusselsLife Team -
23 Aug 2005, 00:00
(Updated: 29 Jul 2015, 12:43)

Despite the liberalisation of the telecoms sector in Belgium in 1998, the country's traditional operator Belgacom cannot be avoided in terms of fixed telephone services. Consequently, each Belgian user must pay a monthly rental fee of 16,50 euros to Belgacom, even if they want to use another operator for making their calls. There are, however, considerable savings to be made on calls. There are two solutions: pre-paid cards and registering with another operator.
"Alternative operators
The pan-European telecommunications group Tele2 has been eating up the market in Brussels and the French-speaking regions. Through aggressive marketing techniques, Tele2 is gaining considerable ground. It offers a flat rate for all normal calls in Belgium (0.024 euros/minute, compared with Belgacom's 0.051 euros/minute peak time and 0.0255 euros/minute off peak), as well as cut rates to mobile phones and foreign calls. Other fixed telephony operators exist: Scarlet Phone, Phone Plus, Mondial Telecom (see our list of addresses).Pre-paid cards
The system is always the same: before calling your must dial the number of the operator concerned and key in the code printed on a card. One of the leaders in this market is XL Call which means, for example, that you can call the US for 0.0995 euros/minute during peak times (compared with 0.1517 euros/minute with Belgacom). There are many operators using pre-paid cards, some specialising in specific countries or parts of the world. The cards are usually on sale in stationer's and bookshops, supermarkets and night shops."

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