Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods dance workshop with Varinia Canto Vila - Day of Dance 2019

27 Apr 2019 - 27 Apr 2019

Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods dance workshop with Varinia Canto Vila - Day of Dance 2019

Departing from certain ideas developed in the performance VIOLET (2011), this workshop explores different ways of experiencing transformation.

Intergalactic Animals – Space Shifters

Varinia Canto Vila is a dancer and choreographer, active in the international performance field. She collaborated with Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods on ‘Highway 101’ and ‘VIOLET’.

Departing from certain ideas developed in the performance VIOLET (2011), this workshop explores different ways of experiencing transformation. The starting proposition in VIOLET was to create a choreography that would function in the same way as alchemy – an ancient practice that experiments with transforming matter. In VIOLET, dancers investigate and develop movement, as if they have injected their bodies with new properties that allow them to transform and travel through other states of being.

The aim is to see if movement can take us to different dimensions, whether spatial, mental or temporal, and to discover how this influences our experience of the here and now. Not as a form of science, but as a way of nourishing a personal and spiritual journey into what it means to dance, and to make movement and be moved at the same time.

This workshop is not about learning movement sequences or repetitions. It does not involve rehearsing or thinking in terms of good versus bad dancing. We will not dance to specific music, but to any music, and to silence. We will improvise, from scores and tasks. You will produce the movements.

Interested? Email to [email protected], and let us know in +-5 lines why you would like to do this workshop (in English), and if you are a dance professional or not. This workshop is free of charge and open to everybody, non-professionals strongly encouraged!

Practical info

Please bring: Sneakers, kneepads or other protection (if already in your possession), notebook, pen
Number of participants: max. 20.
Deadline for application: Sunday 21 April. If there are more than 20 applications, there will be made a selection to guarantee a balanced group.
Price: The workshop is free of cost.

For more information, email [email protected]


Varinia Canto Vila (CL) is a dancer and choreographer, living in Brussels. She graduated as a dancer from the Universidad de Chile, and from P.A.R.T.S in 1999. In 2014, she graduated from Goldsmiths University (London) where she undertook an MA in Art & Politics, and in 2017 she completed her post-graduate studies at a.pass (Brussels), in which she developed performative and video work. In 2004, Canto Vila created the Making of, a solo project supported by ‘Dans in Kortrijk’. She premiered another solo entitled During Beginning Ending in 2010. In 2017 she created a duet, by getting one’s hands dirty, which premiered at Kunstencentrum BUDA in Kortrijk. Canto Vila has collaborated with various artists and choreographers, amongst others Claire Croizé, Marcos Simoes, Mette Edvardsen, and Thomas Steyaert and Raul Maia. She collaborated with Meg Stuart and Damaged Goods on Highway 101 (2000) and VIOLET (2011).
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