City center :: No more than 30 km/h

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 30 Aug 2010, 00:00 (Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
City center :: No more than 30 km/h
On 1st September, the Pentagon (the area included the interior of the inner ring) will be limited to 30km/h. With the exception of a few boulevards. And you, what do you think?

Since September 1st, 2010, the city center will be put in area of 30 km/h -except the Boulevard Diksmuide and until redevelopment the central boulevards (Jacqmain Anspach and Lemonnier-. The inner ring and its side alleys are not part of Area 30. Concretely this means that all vehicles except trams will be subject to the obligation to run at a maximum speed of 30 km/h.


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