Chocolate workshop, making chocolates

01 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2023

Chocolate workshop, making chocolates

Discover the wonders of Belgian chocolate and learn how to make these tasty treats at the biggest ch...

  • Normal - 35
    Children - 25
    Senior - 30

Discover the wonders of Belgian chocolate and learn how to make these tasty treats at the biggest chocolate store in Brussels. Enjoy a 1-hour workshop with the guidance of expert chocolatiers and have a go at making amazing handmade chocolates yourself.

Discover the wonders of Belgian chocolate and learn how to make these tasty treats at the biggest chocolate store in Brussels. Enjoy a 1-hour workshop with the guidance of expert chocolatiers and have a go at making amazing handmade chocolates yourself. The experience begins with a warm welcome from your guides and a delicious hot chocolate. While you drink, listen to a short but fascinating introduction into the world of Belgian chocolate and learn an array of chocolate making secrets. After the intro, the real fun begins with a demonstration of chocolate tempering on a marble table. It’s then time to have a go yourself and make your own chocolate treats with the help of expert chocolatiers. Spend the hour making your very own personalized and tasty mendiants, truffles, lollipops and more. You’ll also taste the ruby chocolate, a newly discovered cocoa bean that is 100% natural but which creates incredibly pink chocolate treats! At the end of the experience, package up your chocolates and take them home with you to share with friends, or enjoy alone! Of course you will not become a true chocolate maker in only one hour but I will share with you a little bit of the magic of my job!
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