Crepe restaurants in Brussels

The right vocab and the right ingredients
In this land, we are used to making sweet crepes. However, the Bretons alternate between savory and sweet! The meal usually starts with savory garnishes. We are thus talking about a pancake with buckwheat flour as the main ingredient.
There is no shortage of pancakes before the big appetites move on to crepes. When the garniture is sweet, wheat flour replaces buckwheat.
Whether you prefer sweet or savory, you can wash your meal down with a good cup of cider… which just turns out to be a pretext to the chouchen that acts as an after dinner digestive.
Address book
Looking for a cozy, warm and friendly place for crepes? At the P’tit Breton, the chef welcomes you to a casual environment where quantity and quality mix. Special attention is given to their products, making crepes with organic flour.
For a more modern environment, the Crachin keeps getting all the buzz! Even Bretons in the capital would quickly recommend it. Young and dynamic staff create crowd pleasing crepes!
At Triskell, you might just be served by someone straight from Brittany. This establishment privileges taste above all with a traditional recipe from the region. If the decoration is minimalist, that’s not the case for the flavors. You will feel transported 600 kilometers from Brussels.
But if you want a chance to taste Belgian crepes, the decoration, conviviality and intimacy at La Crêperie will make you feel at home.
Wide-eyed tourists hanging around the Bourse will run into La Maison des Crêpes. This crepe place and its bohemian spirit can easily bear comparison with other eateries of the genre.
Last but not least is the newly open West End near the Châtelain. You can also try out a delicious crepe with oven cooked apples, caramel and salted butter… yum!
And also, if you are happy with sweet crepes, don’t forget that many different tea-rooms have crepes on their menus.

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